Singing Guide: Jonatha Brook

Singing Guide: Jonatha Brook

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Jonatha Brooke

Jonatha Brooke is an American folk-rock singer-songwriter with a unique style. Her music has been described as "acoustic-oriented" and is known for her clear, powerful voice. She is influenced by Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon, and James Taylor, among others. In this article, we’ll share some tips and techniques on how to sing like Jonatha Brooke.

Vocal Range

The first step to singing like Jonatha Brooke is determining your vocal range. Singing Carrots has a vocal range test that can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers.

Breathing and Support

To emulate Jonatha Brooke’s singing voice, you need to work on your breathing and support techniques. Singing Carrots offers breathing basics and breath support exercises that can help you improve your breath control.

Voice Registers and Vocal Breaks

Jonatha Brooke has a unique style that sometimes uses vocal breaks to transition between head and chest voice. Singing Carrots has an article on voice registers and vocal break to explain this topic.

Articulation and Intonation

Jonatha Brooke's vocal style relies heavily on her articulation and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots offers exercises to improve your articulation and intonation skills.

Vocal Health

Keeping your voice healthy is an essential part of singing. Singing Carrots offers an article on vocal health and ways to prevent damage while developing healthy habits.

Song Selection

To emulate Jonatha Brooke’s singing style, it’s helpful to study her song selection. "Better After All," "West Point," and "Steady Pull" are some of her notable songs showcasing her vocal range and style.


In conclusion, singing like Jonatha Brooke requires work on breathing, voice registers, articulation, and song selection. With dedication, practice, and the help of Singing Carrots, you can develop a singing style that’s uniquely your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.